Grande Prairie Service Clubs, Alberta

There are a number of local Service Clubs that are made up of volunteers that raise money for people in need and special projects that help others in Grande Prairie and area.

Royal Canadian Legion - more info

GP Elks/ Royal Purple - more info

Army, Navy, Air (Archived)- more info

Salvation Army - more info
Service Clubs in Grande Prairie include the Rotary Club - Royal Canadian Legion - Grande Prairie Elks - Grande Prairie Royal Purple - Army, Navy, Air Force Veterans - Grande Prairie Lions Club - Knights of Columbus - Grande Prairie Shrine Club, The Kin Club, and others.

The Lions Club International

In Grande Prairie, there are two Lions Clubs: the Grande Prairie Lions Club, which received its charter from Lions Clubs International in 1957; and the Grande Prairie Trumpeter Lions Club, which received its charter in 1992 after its beginnings as the Grande Prairie Trumpeter Lioness Club in the early 1980s. The Grande Prairie Breakfast Lions Club and the Grande Prairie Downtown Noon Lions Club no longer exist.

Additionally in the Peace Country, there are Lions Clubs in Wembley & District, Rycroft & District, Beaverlodge, Chetwynd, Dawson Creek, Fort St. John, Fairview, Fox Creek, High Prairie, Hudson's Hope, Peace River, and Tumbler Ridge.

Grande Prairie's two Lions Clubs have approximately 50 members, and each have their own projects, which include Bingos and Casinos. The Grande Prairie Lions Club was a key partner in the building of the Lions Learning Centre at 9625 Prairie Road, Grande Prairie. It opened in February 2003. The Centre houses the Outreach School (Bridge Network) that helps many students a year compete their graduation. The Centre provides programs for preschool children, pregnant and parenting teens and adults. Some other projects that the Lions Club have been involved with, are the Lions Park on 100 Street, the Pioneer Cemetery on Resources Road, the Sports Field at the Composite High School, Diabetes Research and Awareness, Dog Guides for the Visually Impaired plus many others. 780-538-4442 or 780-532-3027. Grande Prairie Lions Club WEBSITE

The Kin Club - Grande Prairie, Alberta
The Kin Club of Grande Prairie is made up of the Kinsmen and the Kinettes. Began in Grande Prairie in 1942 and nationally supports Cystic Fibrosis research. The organization has raised money locally for: the Memorial Arena, Bear Creek Outdoor Swimming Pool, the Handicap Society, GP Minor Ball Association, Pioneer Museum. Other recipients include the QEII Festival of Trees and Pediatric Ward, Army Cadets, M.S. Society, Terry Fox Run, CNIB, Books for Tots, and the Salvation Army. Kinsmen and Kinettes spend many hours raising money through bingos, casinos, and annual variety show plus other functions. WEBSITE

The Knights of Columbus - Grande Prairie AB
The Knights of Columbus is a Catholic Fraternal Organization that helps Catholic families and single parent families. Known as the right arm of the Church because of the work to assist and promote Catholic Church Functions. This club was formed in 1948 and today has about 150 members that meet once a month. The Knights of Columbus donate to the Wapiti Lodge, Odyssey House, sponsor funding for Voice for Life, help provide hockey equipment for youngsters who can't afford to buy their own, annually donate 3 scholarships for seniors. The club has built a picnic shelter at Saskatoon Lake and has pledged $100,000 for a new Catholic Church in Grande Prairie. Funds are raised by pancake breakfasts, bingos and dinner theatres. WEBSITE

Veterans Memorial Gardens & Interpretive Centre
The Centre tells the story of the 360 regional soldiers killed in action. Located at 10121-93 Street, Grande Prairie. It is operated by the Canadian Motorcycle Tourism Association.

Rotary Club - Grande Prairie, Alberta

Rotary Club is made up of 4 different clubs which include:
1) The Rotary Club of Grande Prairie. WEBSITE
2) The Rotary Club of Grande Prairie (Swan City) #22868. WEBSITE
3) Rotary Club of Grande Prairie (Sunrise) that meets early mornings. WEBSITE
4) Rotary Club of Grande Prairie after Five. (newly formed in 2012) Meets late afternoon. In total there are approximately 240 people that meet every week. They raise money through bingos, casinos, and ticket sales from the Annual Duck Race, Cash & Camping, the Grande Prairie Dream Home, and Cars For Christmas draws. The Rotary Club of Grande Prairie was chartered in 1951 and has given money to many community projects over the years such as: building the Golden Age Center, building at Camp Tamarack, sponsoring the Air Cadets for over 47 years, organizing the annual Clean-a-thon, and sponsoring the annual youth exchange program.

Wapiti House (formerly known as Rotary House)
is a non-profit shelter service that offers housing to low and no income adults. WEBSITE Located at 10101-97A Street Grande Prairie. 780-539-1792.

Grande Prairie Shrine Club - Grande Prairie, AB
The Shrine Club began in 1962 and raises money for many needy projects. The Masonic Lodge #105 is a fraternal organization associated with and conducting fundraisers with the Shriners. The Daughters of the Nile, is an organization associated with the Shrine Club. WEBSITE

German Canadian Club of Grande Prairie
Three major events held each year: Mayday Spring Dance, Fall Oktoberfest, and Christmas Concert featuring a German choir. WEBSITE The Hall is located at 9901-100 Avenue Clairmont, Alberta. 780-532-0935.
Volunteer Service Bureau
Provides information on many volunteer groups and clubs (over 80) in Grande Prairie. Located at Bldg C, 10116-102 Avenue. (780) 538-2727. Volunteer Services Bureau

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