Kinuseo Falls - more info
Monkman Provincial Park was named after Alex Monkman, who in 1922 discovered the Monkman Pass. He first hoped a railway would be built here. The project was eventually stopped with lack of funding and the Second World War. Later a railway was built through the Pine Pass. Brooks Falls in Monkman Provincial Park was named after Carl Brooks, a volunteer who worked with Alex Monkman in building the highway.
Monkman Provincial Park was established in July of 1981 and covers and area of 32,000 hectares. An additional 30,896 hectares of protected areas was added to the southern boundary of the park in 1999.
There are many rapids, waterfalls, streams and lakes that make it an adventure to remember. There are also small caves with stalactites, moonsmilk and other formations that are within hiking distance.
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